How-To Guides

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The "How-To" Guide to Understanding Gun Holsters

Firearm "Holsters" are known to be one of the most complicated accessory items you'll ever potentially purchase for your firearm and its intended use. If holsters were simply a one-size-fits-all accessory, then a very large portion of the firearm accessories industry wouldn't even exist. The sheer number of variations involved can make choosing the correct holster a rather daunting task and more times than not, leads to entire bags filled with variations of holsters in a closet that never really get used, except maybe as the occasional door-stop. With all the variations, options, materials, colors and so forth offered, people usually settle on using and relying on one or two of the previously purchased ones to prevent spending countless hours searching for other variations that might possibly not cater to their needs again.

Over the next few pages, we will take some time running through the correct approach to understanding, searching and identifying the foundation from which you can then move forward into narrowing down your selections significantly, specifically before you ever begin browsing through the possible holsters available for purchase.

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