Product Pro's and Con's

showing 1 - 9 of 12 article(s)
Quik-Clot Combat Gauze
Quik-Clot Combat Gauze

By: DNA Tactical Team

Combat Gauze or Quik-Clot impregnated gauze, has quickly become the preferred method of administering Quick-Clot or other hemo-static agent to a casualty. Over the years, the continued refinement of these hemo-static agents have helped Armed Forces
Why Tactical Clothing?
Why Tactical Clothing?

By: DNA Tactical Team

Many manufacturers offer various designs and versions of Tactical Clothing. As with most products available on the market, it can be a game of give and take. Variations can range from Military Wear, Executive Protection, Every Day Wear, Inclement Weather, etc. 
Modern Tourniquet Design
Modern Tourniquet Design

By: DNA Tactical Team

Tourniquets were once considered to be a medical component reserved for medical experts only, perpetuating a negative connotation with their use. In the past 10 years or so, tourniquets have become much more common, even amongst layman. 
Water Bladders
Water Bladders

By: DNA Tactical Team

Proper Hydration is one of the most essential items on the hierarchy of basic survival, second only to shelter/ heat in order of importance. Even though the average person can survive approximately 3 weeks without food, without a quality source of water 
While Considering Investing Into an Ankle Holster
While Considering Investing Into an Ankle Holster

By: DNA Tactical Team

Ankle Holsters have existed for decades and earned a place as an excellent option for particular concealed carry situations. There are a few key elements to consider when incorporating these tools into daily-life and unfortunately, Hollywood Movies, TV Shows and other media haven't
Leather Holsters
Leather Holsters

By: DNA Tactical Team

Leather has been utilized by mankind for centuries, everything from clothing to tool making, yet leather still has many practical applications in the modern world. An attractive overall material, it can be dyed into different colors to further enhance its look and be standardized with various fashions.
Inside Waistband Holsters (IWB)
Inside Waistband Holsters (IWB)

By: DNA Tactical Team

Inside Waistband Holsters (IWB) are designed to carry a pistol or revolver on the inside seam of the waist, which helps improve concealment. These holsters are offered in many different shapes and sizes, which generates a significant amount of advantages 
Tactical / Self-Defense Flashlights
Tactical / Self-Defense Flashlights

By: DNA Tactical Team

Modern Flashlights have become so versatile and useful, that they've become a necessity for many different professions. Modern flashlights are designed to be light-weight, durable, compact to carry or wear easily and discreetly, and particularly
Tactical Bags
Tactical Bags & Packs

By: DNA Tactical Team

Camping bags & packs are solely designed to be very lightweight, highly visible in some cases, and consume all the essentials needed while hiking or camping. Military designed Tactical bags & packs on the other hand, are designed to securely stow tools, gear, and equipment compartmentally
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