Firearms & Features

You just picked up a brand new Glock 17, and of course without hesitation, want to test out your new "Purchase", immediately heading to the shooting range where you meet up with a good friend of yours, who brings his Colt 1911. After a few shooting warm-up drills, you each decide to try out the other's firearm. The very first thing you notice is how different they feel from the other in your hand, due to the differences in grip angle. 
Defining Different Muzzle Devices

One of the most common modifications and enhancements to firearms on the market today are muzzle devices. In general terms, a "Muzzle Device" is simply a CNC-machined product that gets added to the end of the barrel or muzzle of a firearm in order to accomplish a specific task and come in many variations. A few objectives these devices try to enhance and accommodate for are:

Single Stage and Two Stage Triggers

In recent years, rifles have become some of the most popular and sought-out firearms in America. Countless variations have been introduced, from fluctuations in manifolds to innovative modifications evolving elements in design and functionality to augment activities such as hunting, competition and self-defense. Unfortunately, the advances in technology and innovation integrated failed to evolve the traditional issues with stock triggers, demanding shooters to search for solutions.

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